Upcoming Launch — Stargaze Protocol: Altair

We are pleased to announce our upcoming launch, Altair!

Stargaze Protocol: Altair will officially launch on Friday, May 21st at 12:00pm GMT so be sure to mark your calendars!

We will be battle testing the code and working on getting the word out immediately. Thank you everyone for being patient — we are anticipating a big launch next week so be sure to spread the word!

Want to learn more?

Read our Whitepaper here: https://docs.stargazeprotocol.com

Join #BSC Telegram for our future portfolio project: https://t.me/stargazealtair

Learn More & Join our Community!

Website: https://stargazeprotocol.com

Frontend: https://app.stargazeprotocol.com

Telegram: https://t.me/stargazeprotocol

Twitter: https://twitter.com/stgzprotocol

Medium: https://stargazeprotocol.medium.com

Whitepaper: https://docs.stargazeprotocol.com

